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Five Steps to Forgiveness

Grudges are easy to hold onto-it is forgiving that can be tough, but the benefits are enormous. Anger and resentment can not only harm you mentally, but studies have shown that there are increases in heart disease, cancer, and other deadly diseases when a person has pent-up anger. Go through these steps to help on your way to forgiving someone in your life. 1.  Try to understand the pain in you. Recognizing how you really feel-your anger, fear, or grief-is important. Know that you are the only one who can change the situation you are in. No one else can. 2.  Don't expect to understand why it happened in the first place. Knowing this probably won't lessen the pain and sometimes even the person who hurt you doesn't know why it occurred. Also, know that forgiving is entirely up to you and cannot always wait until the other person has admitted the wrong-this may never happen. But for your own sake, you should pursue forgiveness as a good for you. 3.  Acknowledge your part. No o

Saving Money on Gas with a Quick Check-Up

Gas prices are rising every day, and it seems that there is little you can do to keep from spending more and more. But there are simple steps you can take each time you stop to fill up your tank that could save you money. It used to be that each time you pulled into a service station for a fill-up, the attendant would open the hood and do a series of checks. In these days of self-service, these mini-check ups are no longer done on a regular basis. You can, however, do these checks yourself. Make sure that you only check under your hood if your engine is off. If you are at a busy station, you can simply pull to the side after fueling your car. While it may seem like these checks can not do much to save you money on gasoline, it will pay off in the long run. An engine that is not running properly or improperly inflated tires will decrease your gas mileage and cost you money over the long run. The following are some of the components you'll want to check each time. Coolant overflow ta

Heat Stroke and the Elderly

According to the U.S. National Institute on Aging, seniors are at greater risk for heat stroke and heat exhaustion. As people age, they are less able to adapt to increasing temperatures. Heat can also exacerbate medical conditions that they may already have. If an older person has heart disease, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or dementia, they are at increased risk of body overheating, also called hyperthermia.  Trouble walking can also contribute. There is an increased risk due to dehydration, often caused by medications that older people take. In fact, in some older persons, the sweat glands may not work as effectively, leading to overheating. What should you look for to check for heat exhaustion or heat stroke? Symptoms can include a rapid pulse, lack of sweating, dry flushed skin, lightheadedness, confusion, or disorientation. If you find someone you believe is suffering from the effects of the heat, you should immediately move them to a cool place and call 911. U

Things to Do Now . . . to Save You Money in the Long Run

Want to keep more of your hard earned money? Who doesn't? Sometimes people avoid some simple things because they can't see the benefit immediately. But you can save yourself some money in the long run. Begin today with these simple ideas to benefit your future. Buy insurance Car, renters, homeowners, and disability insurance generally don't pay off unless you really need them. However, in the case of an accident or catastrophe, these types of insurance policies become invaluable. Don't neglect to spend a little now to ensure that you are protected. Pay off your debt The benefits of debt-free living are clear to everyone. But that debt that you are carrying could be costing you more than you think. Say you have a balance of $5000 on a credit card at 18% interest. If you make the minimum payment only each month, it will take you almost four years to pay off this debt. You will also pay $1,983.61 in interest on top of the $5000 balance! Paying off balances on credit cards

Summer Health Travel Tips for Seniors

Summer is a great time to travel. If you or a loved one is a senior, you should be aware of some extra precautions to take before hitting the road. Check with your doctor before you leave. Ask if you should take any special precautions while away. Your doctor may ask you to come in for a check-up and will be able to suggest any vaccinations you may need if you are leaving the country. On your trip, you should bring a list of your current medications, copies of your prescriptions, and details of any medical conditions you have. You should also pack a list of contact information for not only family, but also all of your physicians. All of your medications should be placed in your carry-on bag and should be kept in their original containers. This can help you get through customs more easily and is helpful in the event you need a refill while you are away. Finally, enjoy some of the perks of being a senior. Ask about special shuttle services, early boarding procedures, and discounts for se

Protecting Yourself from Mail Fraud

Identity theft is becoming increasingly more common these days. One of the prime ways these criminals get your personal information is through mail theft. To protect yourself, keep these tips in mind. - Place outgoing mail in a secure box, like a USPS collection box. - Pick up your incoming mail as soon as possible. Do not leave mail in your mailbox overnight. - Carefully review all of your credit card statements each month to be sure not to miss any fraudulent activity. - Pick up new checks directly from your bank instead of having them mailed. - Never send cash through the mail. - Immediately report any vandalism or tampering with your mailbox to your local postmaster and the police.

Vacation Close to Home

Vacations can be expensive. And although everyone enjoys a long trip to a new place far away, our budgets usually cannot handle many vacations such as these. You don't have to travel far to have fun though. Often you can find creative and inexpensive ways to spend your vacation close to home. Try these close to home travel ideas and save some of your hard-earned money this year. Explore Your Neighborhood Use your time off from work to visit those places that you never seem to have enough time for at other times of the year. Take a trip to the library and talk to a librarian about programs they offer. These are usually completely free. You will find book clubs for adults, and children's programs that often include free activities like puppet shows, story times, summer book reading programs, and more. Check around for local pools, mini-golf courses, and playgrounds that you've never visited. Have picnics in the park, tour a fire station, or fly kites. Use this time to take th