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Showing posts from May 3, 2018
Managing Anxiety Before It Manages You By Saundra Jain, MA, PsyD, LPC When we don’t effectively manage anxiety, eventually, it will manage us. Many people that come into my office in a state of crisis had been experiencing mild anxiety for months, but had avoided dealing with it. They shoved their uncomfortable feelings into their brain’s file cabinet, far away from their daily thoughts. But, after repeatedly pushing more and more worries into a file cabinet, the drawers finally burst open, resulting in overwhelming anxiety and a debilitating mix of physical and mental symptoms. They’re usually hoping for a quick fix – a solution to make the pain go away and allow them to get back to living life. But there are no quick fixes. And it’s very hard to learn new skills when you’re consumed with anxiety or depression. The best time to learn and practice new skills is when life  isn’t  a red-hot blaze. In other words, we need to learn to practice  preventive  mental...