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Showing posts from January 17, 2018

Boomers: 10 reasons to go nuts

 Boomers: 10 reasons to go nuts (BPT) - For the roughly 75 million Americans who make up the baby boom generation, a healthy diet and lifestyle are the best weapons against age-related diseases. "It's vital at any age to adopt good habits to live a strong, fit and healthy life," says Dr. Mike Roussell, a nationally recognized nutrition consultant and nutrition adviser to Men's Health and Shape. "Fueling your life with tasty and nutrient-rich foods while making sure to be active every single day are essential components to keeping your body young and vibrant." Roussell's recommendation? Nuts. In particular, pistachios. "Pistachios are a multitasking nut with fiber, healthy fats, and three specific types of antioxidants that may help fight the onset of age-related conditions that lead to poor health in these 10 ways." 1. Heart health Large population studies show that people who regularly eat nuts, such as pistachios, have a lower ris...