What to consider when giving a holiday tip If you have many people on your tip list, you may be considering how much to give this year. Though the economy is recovering, many people are still cutting back on tips, but here are the recommendations from etiquette authorities. If you see them more, tip them more. That includes the salon, where the price of one visit (or more) is advised. The waitress at your favorite restaurant should receive more than the mail carrier or the trash man who you rarely see. People who work in your home more than two days a week, such as nannies and housekeepers, should get one week's extra pay, more if you can afford it and want to give it. Be careful not to practice one-upmanship with teachers. Gift cards are a nice thought. Personalize them to a teacher's tastes if you are familiar with them. Day care workers can be gifted, the value depending upon how much time each spends with your child, $25 and up. Money isn't...
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