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Showing posts with the label 5 Reasons You Should Clean Up Your Facebook Page

5 Reasons You Should Clean Up Your Facebook Page

Love it or hate it, Facebook is enormous. Since it has roughly one billion users, we are often lulled into a false sense of anonymity. Why would anyone notice your little page when there are millions and millions of others to choose from—probably with much more interesting content too? Every time you apply for a job, take on a new client, make a new friend, or date a new person, you can bet they are going to check you out on Facebook. It’s the easy and quick go-to place for amateur private detectives — and you’d better make sure they cannot dig up anything that you’ll wish they hadn’t. Not convinced? Here are five very good reasons for cleaning up your Facebook page ASAP and preventing irrevocable damage to your  Your Farmville Skills Will Get You Nowhere.  Everyone is guilty of wasting time at some point in the day, but nobody wants a potential employer to know just how much time you dedicate to online games. Chopping down computer-generated trees, popping colored...