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Muscle in a Bottle?

Ads for Ensure Muscle Health claim that this nutrition beverage helps counter the natural muscle loss that occurs with aging. Its trademark “Revigor” ingredient is hydroxymethylbutyrate (HMB), derived from the amino acid leucine. An eight-ounce bottle also contains 13 grams of protein, along with 24 vitamins and minerals. For best results, you’re supposed to drink two bottles a day, in combination with exercise. A few studies have shown that HMB increases lean muscle mass in healthy adults—both young and old—when they strength train, with those who are less fit seeming to do best. Some research also suggests that HMB may reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness and muscle dam­age. In theory at least, it may help for conditions where there is muscle wasting, such as in AIDS, cancer or long bed rest. There’s much conflicting evidence, however, and a number of studies show little or no benefit from HMB. A review of data from nine studies, in the  Journal of Strength and ...