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Showing posts from December 17, 2012

9 Essential Winter Beauty Tips

We all know that fashion changes with the seasons, but did you know that you should also change your beauty regime based on the month of the year? The cold, dry winter air can be bad news for your skin and hair, so here's 9 tips for making sure you stay looking just as beautiful in December as you do in June. 1. Moisturise Frequently The winter air can quickly dry out your skin, so it is important to moisturise reguarly throughout the day. For an extra moisture boost you might also want to use a body lotion in the shower in the morning, which will help to lock extra moisture into your skin. 2. Cut Down On The Alcohol Don't worry, we don't mean the kind you drink! Hair and skin products with high alcohol content can strip away moisture, so they should be avoided where possible in the winter. 3. Turn Down The Water Temperature When you wake up on a winter morning and it's freezing cold while you wait for the heating to kick in it can be tempting to turn the wate...