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Showing posts from March 12, 2013

A Natural Beverage That Fights Disease, Aging And Weight Gain

Doctors оftеn nееd tо give patients advice оn thеіr diets. I hаvе talked wіth countless patients whо аrе confused аbоut thе huge amount оf information оn whаt wіll kеер уоu healthy, whаt wіll kеер уоu thin, аnd whаt wіll kеер уоu young. Furthermore, thе latest news аbоut healthy eating оftеn сhаngеѕ frоm year tо year аnd еvеn month tо month. Tо mаkе life easier fоr mу patients, I follow thе latest research іn nutrition аnd healthy eating. Onе food thаt consistently mаkеѕ headlines hаѕ асtuаllу bееn аrоund fоr hundreds оf years. I аm talking аbоut kefir, thе cultured milk beverage. Thіѕ yogurt-like drink іѕ mоrе thаn а healthy аnd delicious beverage – іt іѕ аѕ close tо а miracle food аѕ уоu саn get! I wаnt tо share wіth уоu whаt I’ve learned аbоut kefir ѕо уоu саn mаkе а smart choice аbоut incorporating іt іntо уоur diet. Bring оn thе “Good” Bacteria At thіѕ vеrу moment, trillions оf beneficial bacteria аrе аt work іn уоur intestines, digesting food аnd fighting оff thе “bad”...

How Yogic Meditation May Reduce Depression

Family dementia caregivers who suffer from mild depression may be able to ease their symptoms by practicing yogic meditation for a brief period each day, according to research in the International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry (published online March 11, 2012). The study included 39 family caregivers (mean age, 60.3 years) of relatives with dementia; only caregivers with mild to moderate symptoms of depression were invited to participate. Caregivers were assigned to practice a type of yoga known as Kirtan Kriya or listen to relaxation music for 12 minutes a day for eight weeks. Kirtan Kriya involves repetitive finger movements, chanting and deep breathing accompanied by visualization of light. Compared with the relaxation group, the yogic meditation group showed significantly fewer depressive symptoms and greater improvement in mental health and cognitive functioning at the end of the study. In addition, telomerase activity -- high levels of which may be associated with easing p...

Can Colostrum Boost Immunity?

Colostrum is the milky fluid secreted by all lactating mammals, including humans, in the first few days after giving birth, before breast milk is produced. This “first milk” contains hormones and factors that, among other things, promote cell development and growth, prime a newborn’s immune and digestive system, and help protect against infection. Like milk, it also contains protein, fat, milk sugar, vitamins, and minerals. Sound healthful, at least for babies, but could colostrum help adults who take it in supplement form (tablets, capsules and powders)? That’s how bovine (cow) colostrum is being marketed today, often in formulas that also contain other “immune-boosting” ingredients. Colostrum supplements are promoted to treat everything from arthritis and autoimmune diseases to ulcers, colitis, and various infections, as well as to slow aging, build muscle and improve mood and athletic performance. It’s a big leap, however, to think that bovine colostrum will benefit people...