Exercise is an important part of anyone’s healthy lifestyle. During the holidays it is even more important to include exercise in your busy day. There is a stronger tendency to skip your daily walk, aerobics workout, or swim during winter. There are fewer daylight hours, and there are additional activities that demand your time. Taking time for yourself every day, however, will reduce stress and help you to stay fit and trim.
As for the eating, remember that the key to success is moderation. You don’t have to deprive yourself of all those holiday goodies. Just keep portions reasonable and opt for some healthy substitutes. If you are invited to a holiday gathering, try to eat something healthy before you go. You won’t be starving and tempted to eat everything available. Take small portions of everything you wish to taste and eat slowly.
Substitutions can help also. Instead of very high-fat eggnog, drink cranberry juice. Avoid fried foods and choose fresh fruits and vegetables instead. Munch on pretzels in place of chips, and choose a couple of cookies instead of the cheesecake.
If you find yourself at a dinner party with a host or hostess that insists on second helpings, make your first serving a small one. When you return for more, your second serving will bring your total intake up to one normal sized portion. Offer to bring a dish or two and make it healthy and low-fat.
As for your own holiday baking and food preparation, remember your limits and your weaknesses. If you have a tendency to eat handfuls of cookies, make batches to give away. Keep only a few for yourself. As your schedule gets more hectic, remember to take time to eat three meals a day and allow for time to plan for healthy meals.
A little planning and taking extra care to including exercise in your day will be all it takes to avoid gaining those extra pounds this holiday season. You will enjoy your happy and healthy holidays even more.
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