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9 Simple Ways to Beat Stress Without Medication

Stress is often a natural reaction to situations that life throws at us when we're not expecting it. However, just because the situation is stressful does not mean we have to actually get stressed. We know that stress can cause physical as well as psychological problems and can sometimes escalate to severe anxiety attacks if the challenges are not dealt with in a calm way, so having tools already in place alleviates the need to go into full blown stress when challenging situations occur. The medical profession often recommends medication for people with severe stress to help alleviate the symptoms they're experiencing. However, there are other ways to handle stressful situations, and medications don't work for everyone. And, there are many people who don't want the side effects medications can cause. So what can you do? Everything is a state of mind so it's necessary to decide in advance how you might be able to handle any kind of stressful situation...

Dieting with whole grains reduces abdominal fat

Dieting with whole grains reduces abdominal fat When you calculate the calories in your weight reduction diet, be sure to include the value of whole grains. An important clinical study of people age 20 to 65 shows that dieters who included plenty of whole grains not only lost more belly fat, they reduced an inflammation marker linked to diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Over the 12-week study, all dieters got the same weight-loss advice, but half of them ate whole grains instead of refined grains. The two groups lost the same amount of weight, but the whole-grain group lost significantly more fat from the abdominal region than those who ate white bread and other refined grains. The whole grain group also experienced a 38 percent decrease in C-reactive protein, an inflammatory marker linked to the risk of heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes. The reduction was similar to that seen with the use of statin drugs. Senior researche...

Tips for Seniors on Managing Health Care Costs

(ARA) - Finding the Medicare coverage that best fits their needs and their pocketbooks is challenging for many seniors. Health care plans make changes to their coverage. People's health conditions change. Not keeping on top of these changes can mean problems.  Suddenly seniors may find they don't have needed coverage, their doctor no longer takes their plan, or they face steep medical or prescription drug costs. That's why it's essential to review Medicare coverage and individual needs each year, and to use the Medicare annual open enrollment period to make changes to coverage. Medicare annual open enrollment runs from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7, with new benefit choices effective the following Jan. 1. “Getting started early is key,” says Mary Dale Walters, senior vice president of the Allsup Medicare Advisor, a Medicare plan selection service. “Choosing Medicare coverage is complicated, even when you have lots of information on the Web. It can be difficult to get c...

How Essential Oils Can Help with Weight Loss

Achieving your ideal weight can be challenging, but there are many tools that can help you reach your goal. ESSENTIAL OILS CAN SUPPORT WEIGHT LOSS AND WEIGHT MAINTENANCE As a result of his research Dr. Alan Hirsch says that we feel full because of a special mechanism in our brain. Specifically, this satiety response is regulated by what is technically known as the ventro-medial nucleus of the hypothalamus, a portion of the brain that regulates many basic drives including emotions and libido. One reason we stop eating is that this center signals a fullness or a sense of being satisfied. The nose (and inhalation process) is directly connected to the hypothalamus. An odor molecule in the air makes its way to the top of the nasal cavity which is the location of a small area known as the olfactory bulb with millions of scent receptors. The odor molecule then moves through the mucous membrane and binds to receptor sites on the olfactory nerve. These receptors may be very spec...

5 Ways To Get The Best Use Out Of Your Home Treadmill

The #1 fear that people have when investing in a home treadmill (or any piece of exercise equipment) is that they won't use it.  You know the story. It gets delivered, you set it up and enjoy it for a few days...and then it sits...and waits.  A few months down the road, you notice how dusty it has become and how much space it's taking up. And you remember how much weight you were determined to lose by using it faithfully every day. But now, unfortunately, it doubles as a clothes rack.  Never fear. This article will help you make sure that DOESN'T happen.  A treadmill provides the best overall cardiovascular workout & it's still the number one exercise machine for those who want to lose weight. So it's an investment in your health that will pay large dividends...if you are prepared to get the maximum benefit from it!  Here are 5 easy ways to get the BEST use from your home treadmill:  #1) Do your research first  Make sure you look at ...

How to Save for Retirement on a Limited Budget

RETIREMENT PLANNING YOUR ONLINE GUIDE TO RETIREMENT NEWSLETTER Are you living day-to-day or from paycheck-to-paycheck? If you are, you are not alone. Many Americans are now finding themselves in a financial  crunch. At that same time, financial advisors are still encouraging Americans to save for retirement. This is where you may feel hopeless. There is, however, good news. That good news is that there are still ways that you can save for retirement, even when experiencing financial problems right now. The first step you should take depends on your age. If you are between the ages of forty and fifty, you will want to closely examine your retirement goals. This includes both your wants and your needs. How much money do you need to retire? To determine an amount, look at your living situation. How much will it cost you to survive with the basic necessities, including food, shelter, health insurance, and transportation? Next, examine...

10 Ways to Live Richer by Paying Less

By Robert Killen  "You get what you pay for" or so common wisdom tells us. Yet numerous examples prove that sometimes paying more actually decreases the richness of our lives. The following examples are 10 of the simplest ways to live a richer life by paying less! 1. Stop the Pop! One of the most destructive health (and money) habits in the US is our addiction to sweets, soda being chief among them. As refreshing as carbonated sweetness poured over ice may seem on a hot summer day, water is the real deal. While soda is linked to diabetes, cancer and all kinds of health nastiness, water is free, healthful and equally refreshing. 2. DIY Snacks The chip/cracker/cookie aisle in your local grocery is a mind boggling assortment of costly treats. While no single package is likely to break the bank, a fully stocked cupboard is an unnecessary expenditure. Make popcorn instead. Spread peanut butter on saltines, or better yet a celery stalk. Munch on a vegetable. Cheaper and...